Friends in ArtZ

Friends in Artz or FartZ! (yes! and we stand by that name) is a collaboration project that started off between Meili Looi and I (we are open to any good willed person willing to join). This was our second gig together actually. Kudos and thanks to Jonathan Ah-Yu for the amazing pictures. 🙂

Three Little Witches – the Play

Three Little Witches was staged as a play last year, I designed the stage props and decor with the collaboration of Selim Sinatambou, Sükriye Louis, Celine Chevrier, Felix Weiher and Katrin Caine. I also had the pleasure of collaborating with Ve Kessen, the costume designer, by painting the costumes. You can find her at

Illustrations – Little Witches

The Three Little Witches was written by Katrin Caine as a storybook and a play. I had the chance to work on the book illustrations and the layout as well as the stage design for the play last year. These are my favorites 🙂


Here are the logos I have done so far…

Graphic Design

Here’s a collection of poster, ads and flyers i did in the past